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Hello, we are Eric and Gabriela, we live in Puerto Natales, Magallanes Region, Chile.


We live and breathe Patagonia that is why we created Surmount Patagonia, a Regenerative Tourism agency.


We not only wanted to offer tourism services and show beautiful places but also to contribute to the community, work with local ventures, be environmentally conscious, highlight the local culture and make travelers aware of having enriching experiences at all levels.





What is a regenerative travel?

Regenerative travel urges governments, tour operators and businesses to give more to the planet and their local communities than they receive.


It challenges the travelers themselves to leave their destinations, not just as they found them, but better, by walking lightly and spending with intention.


When tourism adds value to a destination, by improving the quality of life of residents and the health of the ecosystem, it is considered regenerative.


When travelers support sustainable and local tour operators and businesses, communities are given the resources they need to care for and protect their natural spaces.


And when tourists share meaningful experiences with the land and community members, they may be more motivated to respect and protect them as they travel.


The difference between sustainable tourism and regenerative tourism is that the former is based on the idea of not doing harm to your surroundings and regenerative tourism is based on the premise of improving the area you are going to, that is, leaving the place Better than you found it, being a real change engine in the regeneration of the environment and in the development of the communities that welcome you during your travels.

How can I be a regenerative traveler?


During your trip you must arrive at the place with an open mind and with an ecological behavior, contributing to the cleaning and recovery of the environment. Whenever you see garbage even if it is not yours, try to collect and clean the areas that you see neglected.

Also a very simple way to be respectful with the Fauna and Flora of the place is to keep your distance from wild animals.


Each place has its cultural wealth, get to know it and find out about the customs that its inhabitants carry through cultural centers, museums, fairs and festivals.


When you are in the place you visit, try to go to local restaurants that offer agricultural products of the place, so you will know new flavors through dishes from the region. You can also  learn about green businesses or those that are a contribution to caring for the planet, such as zero waste warehouses, where you can buy in bulk.


The journey never ends because remembering is reliving it. Tell your friends and family about your regenerative journey, encourage them to discover new cultures and new ways of caring for and contributing to the planet through travel.

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